Subliminal media messages
Subliminal media messages

subliminal media messages

Therefore, researchers fortified to examine these indications. Present study incapable to behavioral validation of subliminal messages in market and consequently the responses of consumer in this regard. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis results propose measurement of instrument with 10 items for forming the "Subliminal messages" in marketing. Average Variance Extracted, Cronbach's alpha, Composite Reliability, Critical Ratio and discriminant validity was used in current study to measure the reliability and validity of instrument. Sample size for data collection from respondents is 870 in current study, in which 157 sample size for pilot testing, 349 for exploratory survey and 364 for confirmatory survey. Rigorously suggested methodology in literature for instrument development was used to develop and validate the instrument. To develop and authenticate the instrument for inclining the "Subliminal messages" in marketing and associated behavior among consumers is the purpose of this study. Our study found a direct relationship between the subliminal messages related to a product and the subsequent associations that consumers may have had as a result of this exposure. The most significant finding stems from the homogenous subsets created for subsequent analysis, which in most cases provided no evidence that exposure to subliminal messages had an effect on the beliefs and/or attitudes of the respondents. The results revealed partial rejection of a state of indifference among the groups that were exposed to subliminal messages, indicating a preferential attitude towards the brand. To test the effectiveness of subliminal messages inserted in media as a consumption or purchase incentive mechanism, specifically the effects with regard to changing and/or creating beliefs and attitudes in young people, and to determine the magnitude of this impact, an experiment that involved visual transmission, subliminal messages, and a group of students belonging to generation 'Z' was conducted.

Subliminal media messages